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The Easiest Way to Download Torrent Files with IDM (More than 1 GB – Without size limit) By. Biswajit Das. Download Torrent Files with IDM (More than 1 GB – No file size limit). Related Articles: How to download the torrent files by using IDM Download Unlimited Torrent Files by using IDM. Most probably you do not get any easier way. IDM Lite Apk Full Version Download for PC.Download IDM Lite Apps Latest Version for PC,Laptop,Windows.IDM Lite is the fastest and most advanced download manager (with Torrent download support) available on android. It’s upto 500% faster than normal download. How to Download TORRENT with IDM @ 100 MB/s December 24, 2017 No Comments We all use torrent at some point of time and we know that downloading a torrent file is a pain in the a*s as you have to download a completely new software for it and yet sometimes the speed is as low as a few Kbs.
after reading this article you will know 4 differentways to download torrents using IDM.So, without taking much of your time here are the 4 ways to download torrents withIDM
How to Download Torrents using IDM
Method 1: PutDrive – Download Torrentswith IDM
PutDrive is a great way to download torrents with IDM. It generates adirect download link for torrents by which you can download torrents directlyto your computer. After signup, PutDrive provides 2 different ways to downloadtorrents, either you can select quick download to download torrents or you canchoose online or cloud download. Beside this, It also supports anonymousdownloading.
So in case if you are still looking for an answer of question “How to downloadtorrents using IDM” then go to putdrive.com to generate direct download linkfor torrents, which can be used with IDM.
Method 2: Zbigz – Download torrentsusing IDM
Zbigz is an online bit torrent client and offers features like clean interface,no signups, torrent direct link generation etc. If you want to downloadtorrents with IDM, then visit zbigz.com and paste your magnet or torrent linkthere to start downloading torrents with IDM. It also provides a feature likeuploading your .torrent file in order to generate direct link for torrent whichcan be used using IDM.
Zbigz offers two kind of accounts such as basic and premium. If you go withbasic account, then you will not be able to download files more than 1 GB usingZbigz. While if you use a premium account then you can download unlimitedfiles of unlimited size using Zbigz.
Method 3: Put.io – Download torrentswith IDM
Download Torrent File With Idm Unlimited Size Chart
if you are looking for a premium torrents downloading client, then Put.io is agreat cheap alternative for zbigz. You can get premium membership of put.io injust $0.99. It offers features like high bandwidth of 1Tb, cloud storage, nodownload limits etc. so in case if you want to spend some bucks to downloadtorrents using IDM, then go with put.io.
Method 4: Boxopus- Download torrentsusing IDM
The last but not the least is Boxopus, an online torrent downloader. Aslike the tag line of Boxopus says “Throw away your torrent client”, so afterusing Boxopus.com you don’t need to use any torrent clients to downloadtorrents to your computer. It is supported on almost every platform like you can download torrents even on your android phone and providestotally anonymous & secure downloads. All you need to do is, move yourselfto Boxopus.com and generate a direct link for your torrent, so you can downloadtorrents with idm.

Here comes the end of article on How to download torrents using idm. i hope theabove 4 ways to download torrents with idm will help to download torrents at avery high speed.
IDM Optimizer Helps us to Increase IDM Download Speed and skyrocket Download speed at least 3x. We all regularly use Internet Download Manager or IDM to download various files. We download Movies, Games, Softwares, etc. Most of us completely rely on IDM Â to download large files which are above 4+ GB in size. If you want to Download Torrent Files with IDM, you can do that. Download Videos from YouTube, Download Videos from Facebook or any other Video Sharing sites. These are the some of the primary reason why we all use IDM as our primary Download Manager. Again the Premium version has got a great lot of stuff that makes downloading just a piece of cake. This article will help you Double IDM Speed.
If not configured properly, IDM will not work as expected. If you go, Simply Install the software and start to Download files them, it won’t give expected Download Speed. By making little settings change to the default settings will skyrocket the download speed at least by 3 times. Sometimes even more. Without configuring it, If you start download any file, it will only move like a snail, No matter, if you have Good Internet speed, even. Add IDM Extension to Chrome.
IDM Optimizer is nothing, but a simple ready to use software which helps us to tune the settings of IDM Internet Download Manager to speed up download speed. I used IDM Optimizer to optimize Internet Download Manager Download Speed and initially, it was 1.7MB/s and after optimizing it with IDM Optimizer it rose as many as up to 4MB/s (Average 3.4MB/s)
- 1 IDM Optimizer to Skyrocket Download Speed
- 1.1 How To Increase IDM Download Speed with IDM Optimizer?
- 1.3 Task Manager Tweak
IDM Optimizer to Skyrocket Download Speed
Now, you might think what exactly does IDM Optimizer does to Boost download speed in IDM. Here, the Answer is quite simple. Here is what all happening:
When you use IDM Optimizer it creates some additional Registry Entries and Modifies certain existing registries as well. Changes made in the Registry Entry files of the IDM will result in configuration change, as a result, you will be enjoying increased download speed.
The best ever IDM Booster Available is IDM Optimizer and let’s check How to use it
Below, I am sharing 2 unique ways to increase the Download speed of IDM, One by manually and another by using IDM Optimizer. First, I will share the IDM Optimizer Trick.
How To Increase IDM Download Speed with IDM Optimizer?
- Firstly, Download the Latest Version of IDM Optimizer from the link below
2. Open the IDM Optimizer tool.
As it is an on the way Tool, you are not required to Install it, Just open it.
3. Now the IDM Optimizer windows open up.
You will see two different buttons in the opening window of IDM Optimizer. One is the Maximise button and the other one is used to restore the default.
4. Click on the Maximize Button.
5. Now a pop up will ask you to Restart IDM
6. Just Exit IDM and Open it again.
Now start downloading any files and you will observe at least a 25% increase in the Download speed of IDM or Internet Download Manager. It is the most simple method ever, to increase the speed of IDM without doing settings change. IDM Optimizer Tool will change all the settings for maximum result. Hope it increased your speed.
How To Revert Back?
If IDM Optimizer didn’t work as you expected and if you want to restore all the changes as like what it was, IDM Optimizer has another option as well.
To Revert the changes back:
- Open the IDM Optimizer tool again
- Click on the Restore button
- Now, all the settings will be restored to global default.
In case the tool didn’t work for you as expected, Revert the changes back. Is IDM Optimizer didn’t help you, I am sharing the 2nd method, which is a Manual Settings Changes mode that we can use to changes the Settings all by yourself.
Settings For Maximum Download Speed – IDM
If you don’t want to use IDM Optimizer or the above tool didn’t work for you, then you can go with Manual Settings Change option. In this method, we are going to make some tweaks to the default Settings to Increase the Download Speed of Internet Download Manager IDM.
The manual method is not tough as you think, Carefully read the instructions mentioned below and refer the screenshot, Change Settings to Maximize Download speed.
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- Open IDM or Internet Download Manager
- Go to Downloads > Speed Limiter and make sure that it is set to “Turned Off” mode. If you are applying some Speed Limit, then you will only get the Download Speed as you set. If you want to get most out of your Internet Data, then enable this option.
3. Go to Downloads > Settings
4. Click on the Connections tab and select Connection Type/Speed as “High speed: Direct connection (Ethernet/Cable) / Wi-Fi / Mobile 4G / other”
5. Click OK and restart IDM.
Task Manager Tweak
Another Method to Increase IDM Download speed is by limiting the Data Usage by other Softwares, Host Files, and Background Updates. Disabling those will speed up Download Speed in IDM.
While IDM, Host Files, Background Apps, and Updates are going on at the same time, there will be a lack of Speed issue. IDM Won’t get the maximum Speed in such case, we can limit the Data usage and make the conditions in favor of Internet Download Manager.
- Open Task Manager (Click Ctrl+Alt+Del and click on Task Manager to Right Click on the Taskbar and click on the Task Manager.)
- Go to Task Manager and see which apps are using the most Internet Data, disable or  turn off data for that particular app, Once the Download is complete turn it on again (If Required)
Similarly, If you Open any Software which Needs Internet Connection together with IDM, then there will be Speed Issue. If you want to finish the Download process faster close all the App that are using the Internet. Software like Web Browsers, Torrent Clients like Utorrent, BitTorrent, etc will drain the Internet when opened in the background.
Final Words
So, these are the top easy methods for Increasing Download Speed in IDM. IDM Optimizer is the most simple method you can adopt in order to Increase the download speed. If, IM Optimizer failed to work as expected, then you can try any other two methods mentioned above. I recommend you to use the combination of both the three steps to get a maximum out of Internet Download Manager and Increase Download Speed.
The second trick applies to get your maximum out of the Internet Connection that you are using. We should always squeeze the maximum possible. Hope that helps.
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