- Amazon Instant Video App Download
- Amazon Instant Video Download Format For Windows 7
- Amazon Instant Video Download Format Software
- Install Amazon Instant Video App
When you purchase a movie from Amazon Instant Video, you’re not buying it, exactly. It’s more like renting indefinitely.
The Amazon Instant Video store offers thousands of videos, movies and TV shows for streaming and downloading. However, downloaded Amazon Instant Videos are WMV videos with DRM protection and can only play with PlaysForSure compatible media players.

This distinction matters if your notion of “buying” is that you pay for something once and then you get to keep that thing for as long as you want. Increasingly, in the world of digital goods, a purchasing transaction isn’t that simple.

There are two key differences between buying media in a physical format versus a digital one. First, there’s the technical aspect: Maintaining long-term access to a file requires a hard copy of it—that means, for example, downloading a film, not just streaming from a third party’s server. The second distinction is a bit more complicated, and it has to do with how the law has shaped digital rights in the past 15 years. It helps to think about the experience of a person giving up CDs and using iTunes for music purchases instead.
“In the good old days, you purchased a CD, which meant that you owned the medium outright and had an authorized copy that you could do anything you liked with, subject to copyright,” said Dan Hunter, the dean of Swinburne Law School. “For example, you could give it away to a friend, or resell it, or whatever. These days we live in a world where we generally license copyright content, like games and music. This means you’re given a limited right to do things with the content—generally this is limited to playing it on a small number of devices—and you definitely can’t resell the content or even give it away. You haven’t really bought the song, you’ve bought a contract to play the thing for a while.”
Is it possible to watch HD Amazon Instant Video (eg, Amazon Prime) on non-Kindle Android devices? (Galaxy Nexus with MHL adapter)
AFAIK, Amazon does not support HD streaming in the browser; this would require a native app.
Google Play does support this, but I haven't been able to find anything about Amazon. (other than Flash streaming, which I don't think will do HD)
Dan Hulme4 Answers
Amazon Instant Video App Download
Just did it today on my Samsung Galaxy S3.
To stream Amazon Prime (or other Flash) movies:
Download Flash 11 onto your android device. You won't find it in the app market (Google pulled it this summer) but there are a couple different guides online. I used this one from CNET.
Download the Dolphin browser from the app market (other browsers MAY work as well if they let you change the user agent string, but Dolphin makes it easy and is the only one I tested successfully on).
Go into the Dolphin browser settings and set the 'User Agent' setting to 'desktop'.
Login to Amazon and you can now stream Amazon prime/instant movies.
Amazon Instant Video Download Format For Windows 7
I used an MHL adapter to output the video/audio to my receiver and can now watch the movies on my surround-sound projector setup (though its not surround sound).
YMMV, as I'm not sure if this works on all android devices but it works on my S3. Good luck!
Tested and working today 08/01/2013. Tested on Asus TF700T and it looks beautiful.
- Side load Flash from DevHost: http://d-h.st/x4v
- Tell browser to 'Request Desktop Site' (Change Agent)
- Sign in to Amazon and navigate to Prime
- Play
CAVEAT: Remember to disable sleep time (Tablet will turn display off as if idle, so disable Idle times) and auto brightness.
Amazon Instant Video Download Format Software
FlashFox is working for me. Only watched a couple videos so far. Not sure if in HD, but looks native on my 2nd gen Nexus 7 (1080).
This worked until April 17th, 2013. Amazon changed something and Instant Video no longer works with even the latest versions of Flash for Android which can be downloaded from the Adobe Archive and side loaded.
The only option for viewing Amazon Instant Video that I have found is to download Puffin Browser. It decodes the Flash video on their cloud Servers and streams it to the browser on your device in some other format. Sadly, it is a little herkyjerky and the audio is sometimes out of sync and full screen is more or less broken, although you can zoom in to fill the screen.